Once a writer, always a writer, right? Write.

At 13, my parents gave me a diary that had one page for each day of the year. I wrote in it every day. I still have the diary. In the 9th grade, I wrote the ending for “The Lady and the Tiger.” The teacher made me read it aloud to the class. At 17, I went to sea in the Navy and wrote a journal. I still have the journal. At 19 I was placed in a special writing program in college where I learned I had better do something else while learning to be a writer. At 22, I went into the theater. At 25, with an MA in Drama, I came to Hollywood.

In Hollywood, I did everything writers do but write: I acted, directed, and taught until scribbling finally became writing. Now, I don’t do anything else but write. Wasn’t I always a writer but just didn’t know it?
— Michael Woodworth Fuller

Michael has written television, film, poetry, short stories, and novels. Fuller's world is filled with the drama of characters in conflict compelled to affirm their courage in a world determined to deny their humanity.

Michael is currently working on his most ambitious work to date: Backwash, the sequel to LEGACY. Appropriately set in Mason City, Iowa, the heartland of America, Backwash takes us on a journey from San Quentin Prison to the Boston Marathon of 2014.

Michael's explorations of human life have not always been literary. His childhood experiences with horses and cattle prompted him to write westerns for independent film companies located outside of Hollywood: prominent among them is Peace For A Gunfighter, for Cable Springs, Ltd., of Phoenix, Arizona.

For television, he freelanced with Alan J. Levitt, and wrote for the Promo Department at CBS-TV, particularly for Mission Impossible, Hogan's Heroes, The Andy Griffith Show, and Gomer Pyle.

First Writer Magazine awarded his short story "I Killed Your Son" as one of twelve Special Commendations in its Twelfth International Short Story Contest of August 2016.

Michael has also written two chapbooks of short stories: ARRIVALS (about people who arrive inevitably at that time and place of absolute clarity of Being where preconceptions, of who they are or are not, evaporate) and MOCHILLA (written in Spanish). His non-fiction work includes ISOMATA: The Place and its People, a history of the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts, now known as Idyllwild Arts.