Kisses, kats, tomatoes and other things

Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

Dance the Dance

We just think we don’t know the steps to the dance.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


Silence is exactly that.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

This Morning

Younger, young. Older, old. Which is ore? Which is less?

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


Weather is weather whether we like it or not.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


My fountain is not mine.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

Yakety Yak

Whaddaya talk? Whydaya talk? Talk talk talk. Talkatalk talkatalk talkatalk. Say more say moremoremore say more nothing say nothing at all.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


A laugh is better than a fist in the mouth, a bullet to the head, or death at the hands of a mob.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


Others are not others. Neither am I.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


Millions of us drink coffee or tea to start our day. Our day depends ukpon where we are.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

Who Knows?

If ‘what if’ ever happened, our predominant wonder is what would happen to me?If ‘what if’ ever happened, our predominant wonder is what would happen to me?

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

The Stick

We have laid down our stick, hoping that someone else will pick it up and swing it for us. We have chosen to remain complacent in our comfort, ignorant of the warnings in our most sacred documents, that complacency is the coin of slavery.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

I Be by Omelet 197th Street Homeboy

He call himself Omelet ‘cause he know his life’s scrambled, an’, like eggs’ once scrambled, you can’t unscramble ‘em, and that be the Truth. An’ that’s why he know who he be.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

Sonnet On A Dead Lover’s Revenge

We’ve all known ‘lovers and other strangers.” Lovers we no longer love or who no longer love us become strangers. Lots of times these lovers have hurt us, or we have hurt them. No one of us is immune from this equation.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

The Golden Rule 3

You can’t tarnish gold, only brass, and that is what the golden rule has become – brass.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

The Golden Rule 2

Your only hope of finding yourself in this existential void is to be just like everybody else. You have learned, if not anything else, the primary (and primal) Golden Rule: how to survive.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

The Golden Rule 1

Our hormones were moaning too loudly for any of us to listen to anything else but songs that were truer for us than what any teacher said and for sure our parents. Never would we be like them. That was the one Golden Rule we all understood.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

Movin’ On

The movin’ part’s easy, but that’s not on. Nothin’ easy about on! On demands.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller


The seven stages of grief are just words, not experiences until grief happens to you.

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Michael Woodworth Fuller Michael Woodworth Fuller

Comfort Zone

Frost’s secret knows it is better to sit in the center than dance in the circle and suppose.

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