Curmudgeon Transitioning
Photo by Dhaval Parmar
Going from here to there. Who to whomever. I used to be an asshole. I’m not that asshole, anymore. I’m a different asshole, now. Guess that’s what keeps me going. Whether it’s trying not to be one or trying to be a different one altogether is beyond me over the rise of that distant hoirzon. This is not resignation. Waste of time. What you can’t can, put in little tins. Don’t worry about who, where, when, what, and why. Too many of them out there, already, doing that, so stupid they couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the directions written on the heel. The truth is that which is so in spite of those who preach it isn’t, that their so is so. Well, that’s their opinion, and on their heads be the consequences. Seems to me like a stale fart in a high wind. If it stinks, quit being so stubborn as to keep standing stand downwind. Takes a long time to learn that. More than that. Know it. I now can say, hopefully, without seeming to brag, that I am at least beginning to know the difference between resignation and acceptance.