The Golden Rule 3

Image by Mche Lee

You can’t tarnish gold, only brass, and that is what the golden rule has become – brass - dulled by egregious administrative incompetence and federal interference into a field those selected awficials (a neologism [awful-ficials] for officials we think we’re electing) know nothing about.  This fallow field used to be called education. 

Guess there still are some seeds of education buried in the mud of bureaucracy; otherwise, where did “egregious administrative incompetence” come from?  That’s the danger of education, you see, it helps you think, and if you do that, those awficials bought by those who got the gold (oh, that’s where it went!) get scared, because then you might actually go out and vote and fire them.

The only job security they have is to be sure you don’t think, and so they ban books, crowd classrooms, underpay teachers, overpay bureaucrats, and hire superintendents who know nothing at all about education because they never were teachers but governors or corporate executives. The last thing they do is be sure those who used to be teachers now sitting Boards of Education NEVER go back into the classroom. How do they that?  They double the salary (or almost) that you made as a teacher; so, teachers are actually being paid MORE NOT to teach than to teach.

Gee, Fuller, you’re so sinicull. Oh, did I misspell? I must have learned something after all. Thanks, teachers. Oops. Teachers. Yes.  With a capital T; otherwise, I’d spell sinicull, cynical.


Sonnet On A Dead Lover’s Revenge


The Golden Rule 2